Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sarah's Glasses

Palin Pals,

I just posted a video depicting how Sarah has started a trend in the optical world. (Even my dad, who is an eye doctor and has an optical, immediately sought to carry her frames!!) Watch it on by clicking here:


The media and unkind people continue to magnify everything in Sarah's life. Please pray for her and her family. They're human. (So often the media forget that Christians never claimed to be perfect, but we do know the perfect One: Jesus Christ.)

Let's continue to encourage Sarah with our prayer support, political action, and positive influence on our friends!

God bless you!
Stacie Ruth
Creator of "Sarah Palin Pals" and "Praying Pals"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin will speak tonight!

Please pray for Sarah and her family as they experience an enormous amount of attention and attacks.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome, Sarah Palin Pals!


I'm a young woman who loves to see women (of faith and femininity) succeed. Sarah Palin deserves a fan base of women (and men) who admire her for being a pretty powerful woman yet still very pretty. :) Yes, it is possible to be feminine and fantastic as a leader!

On this blog, we'll cover highlights of her experiences as the first female GOP VP nominee. Pictures, videos, fun facts, and more to come!

Join the group! Tell your friends, okay?

...Also, join the group "Sarah Palin Pals" on Facebook, too!